Iran Petro Partner

About Vlist


Vlist is a free, comprehensive data portal for everyone. This portal is only reference to find information about supply chain members of petroleum and energy industries in Iran. Vlist has e very unique classification of products and services which is scientific, comprehensive and easy to find. It also has a unique advantage that shows whether a company has cooperated with vendor list owner companies or even registered in their AVLs or not.




 Classification of products and services in Vlist


 طبقه بندی کالا در وندورلیست

Our technical team has spent lots of effort and energy to study all products and services of petroleum and energy industries. Besides, they have studied a few Iranian and non-domestic well-known vendor lists. All these endless efforts and studies along with market studies make it possible to prepare a precise and comprehensive classification of products and services. This tree-shaped classification includes different types of a product or service regarding their usage in different fields. Tree-shaped classification has this advantage that you can search products or services related to each other and avoid those irrelevant ones that are similar in names, but different in usage. So, comprehensiveness and exactness of information are two unique and premier attributes of Vlist portal.

To have a better understanding, we compare Flow Meter classification of Vlist portal with some of well-known domestic and non-domestic vendor lists:


Flow Meter classification in Vlist Portal


طبقه بندی فلومتر در وندورلیست 


























Flow Meter classification in KOMPASS website

KOMPASS is one of the most visited web sites about sourcing services. This website has not any tree-shaped classification and based on your searched words, it proposes some results. Because of this, if you search for Flow Meter in this site, it will give you some suggestions that are shown below. 2 first search results are medical equipment for blood pressure and flow that are in search results because of similarity of their names. Besides, gas flow meter and water flow meter are some general counter devices and in Vlist portal, they are apart from industrial flow meters. Another problem is that some items are shown together and client will be confused to find exact product. For example magnetic and electromagnetic flow meters are two different products and they should be separated from each other

طبقه بندی فلومتر در kompass





















Flow Meter classification in DIRECTINDUSTRY website

DIRECTINDUSTRY is one of the most famous B to B (business to business) companies in in the world. This web site has an almost proper tree-shaped classification that helps in search results. But there are some overlaps that may confuse clients. For example, volumetric flow meter is introduced as a product, but there is not such a product at all! Volumetric flow meter tells us how flow rate will be measured, like mass or volume or speed of flow. Besides, despite of Vlist portal, some of flow meter types are not available in DIRECTINDUSTRY. 


طبقه بندی فلومتر در DIRECTINDUSTRY















Flow Meter classification in MASTER VENDOR LIST website

MASTER VENDOR LIST is an American website that its duty is similar to Vlist portal. This website has a tree-shaped classification of products. But it is very incomplete about products and it just includes two kinds of flow meters.


طبقه بندی فلومتر در مستر وندورلیست








Flow Meter classification in National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company Vendor list (NIOEC)

Regarding classification of products, NIOEC is best Iranian vendor list. This vendor list has a very tree-shaped classification that is obvious lots of studies have done for it. Also, this vendor list includes most of products and not just some general activities. Tis will help procurement department to find proper supplier as soon as possible. Meanwhile, there are some problems with this vendor list. It is incomplete, for example about flow meters, compared to Vlist portal. Besides, it has not some final products. For example, sub-types of ultrasonic flow meter is not shown in this vendor list. 


طبقه بندی فلومتر در nioec



















Flow Meter classification in National Iranian Petrochemical Company Vendor list (NPC)

NPC vendor list has an advantage on other Iranian vendor list. it has separate vendor lists for every activity field like instrumentation, mechanical, electrical… . Meanwhile, compared to Vlist portal, it is very incomplete and it includes less products. There are about 10 types of flow meters in NPC vendor list that all of them are available in Vlist portal and even more types are available in Vlist.

طبقه بندی فلومتر در npc


















Flow Meter classification in National Iranian Gas Company Vendor list (NIGC)

NIGC vendor list is best Iranian vendor list regarding online access of domestic and non-domestic suppliers and EPC contractors. But this vendor list has not tree-shape classification and because of this, search results are repeated or over lapped. Below picture illustrates one example of these repeated results. Also, NIGC vendor list does not include some types of flow meters that are available in Vlist portal.  

طبقه بندی فلومتر در nigc 














Flow Meter classification in National Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company Vendor list (NIGCENG)

This vendor list is very similar to NIGC vendor list, but it is even more incomplete and inadequate. It has a tree-shaped classification, but it is very general and products are hard to find. 

 طبقه بندی فلومتر در nigceng












Flow Meter classification in Pars Oil and Gas Company Vendor list (NIGCENG)

POGC is one of the most important EPC contractors and field management companies in Iran that plays a major role in petroleum industry of Iran. Its vendor list includes just 8 types of flow meters, regardless of their different types. For example, if we need an ultrasonic flow meter, it must be clear that what type of flow (liquid or gas) is needed to be measured. Each type needs its special flow meter and it may have different sources. This may encounter some problems of sourcing for procurement department. 

 طبقه بندی فلومتر در pogc













Flow Meter classification in Iranian Offshore Oil Company Vendor list (IOOC)

Like POGC, this vendor list has not a detailed classification of product and procurement departments must consume lots of time and energy to find proper suppliers.

 طبقه بندی فلومتر در IOOC













Flow Meter classification in National Iranian South Oil Company Vendor list (NISOC)

NISOC includes just a general activity for flow control equipment that is incomplete and because of this, procurement must have two phases. It is necessary to ask all suppliers of flow meter if they have a specific kind of flow meter, and then they should negotiate with selected ones. 


 طبقه بندی فلومتر در nisoc






Sourcing in Vlist Portal


1-     Accessible Vendor Lists:

Vlist portal includes all accessible vendor lists and their information is entered in this portal regarding its standards. These vendor lists are marked with “Approved” word.

2-     Self-declared information:

Secretariat Department of KPPDS has received thousands of self-declared vendor list registration forms from suppliers.


Vendor list registration questionnaire form before ISO standard implementation:

نمونه فرم استعلام وندورلیست

Vendor list registration questionnaire form after ISO-9001 implementation:


نمونه فرم سامانه استعلام وندورلیست

3-     KPPDS Market Research

There are some activities that are very critical for petroleum and energy industries, but you can’t find them in AVLs. For example, technical inspection and industrial laboratories that are certified with National Accreditation Center of Iran (NACI), knowledge base companies of petroleum and energy industries , … that their information are gathered based on our market research and entered to Vlist portal. 



Vlist Clients:



Sourcing Departments:


Almost all sourcing departments of petroleum and energy companies refer Vlist portal to have a better understanding of needed products and their classification and suppliers approved in other AVLs.


Procurement Departments:


Regarding user friendliness and ease of access of Vlist portal, procurement departments of companies uses this portal for their limited tenders. Also, they use Vlist portal to notify their general tenders.


Purchasing Managers of EPC Contractors


If EPC contractor uses an AVL that is marked “Approved” in Vlist portal, they prefer to use this portal to have an arranged and reasonable search and compare companies fluently.


Purchasing Managers and Tender Managers of Suppliers:


Regarding that Vlist portal is data based and it has not descriptions, data analysis is for required information is available in Vlist portal for marketing researches. To have a better understanding, please pay attention to following example:


Tender manager of “Arak Machinery Company” receives a limited tender from “Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC)”. This tender is about “Air cooled heat exchanger” also known as “Air Cooler”. He has not access to IOOC vendor list, so he can use Vlist portal to find out which companies are also approved in IOOC vendor list to have a comparison of its competitors. So he can find which companies have received that tender too, and he can evaluate competitors to give a better proposal for tender.

He can search either “Air cooled heat exchanger” or “Air Cooler”. Then he can find out which of these companies are approved in IOOC vendor list.



Artificial Intelligence of Vlist Search Engine


موتور جستجوگر هوشمند وندورلیست


Vlist search engine enables us to find related products with different names. For example, plug valve have different names in Iran. It has several market names. But if you search any of these names, the result will be same. 



Data Review in Vlist Portal


بازنگری مدیریت


1. Secretariat department of KPPDS is receiving information about registered and new companies every day. Also, some companies send their information to us as a self-declared statement. All of this information has a verification process and after that, they will be entered or updated in Vlist portal.

2. Data support team of Vlist portal is aware of all released or updated vendor lists and portal gets updated every day.

3. All searched words or phrases are saved in this portal and our technical team analyzes them monthly. So we can find out what you are searching for and we will report this to our support team to add them to Vlist data base.

4. Annual surveys: Vlist portal prepares annual surveys and send it to some premier EPC contractors and procurement managers of petroleum and energy industries. We use these surveys to find shortcomings of Vlist portal and problems of procurement departments.  

For example, adding special pages for companies that contains further information, catalogs of companies and their products information, and completing information of non-domestic sources are what we gained from our surveys.


A sample of our old survey forms:


روش دلفای




A sample of our new survey forms:

نمونه فرم نظرسنجی سال95
